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Therapy Time

Wow, what a weekend.

Not the weekend I initially had planned when I booked my first therapy session in.

Sometimes things happen in life, and you can't really explain why, but it seems as if the timing is right.

Call it a coincidence, divine intervention, Karma, fate...but whatever it was it had me like...

It's funny how things happen, I didn't really want to go to therapy yet.

I find it super hard to talk about how I feel, I can listen to you all day long, but me...hahaha no thanks.

I would much rather stick my head in the sand and deal with my stuff internally than say it out loud.

You don't need to tell me, I know, and I'm trying to get better at it.

There have been a few things going on for me, I've been chatting about them to a certain point in skills practice, but once it starts to get hard I shut down.

For me, that's about self-preservation- which I found out at therapy!

It's a way of protecting myself from feeling hurt, I feel like if I start, it will be like opening the floodgates.

I feel like 2022 is for getting outside your comfort zone.

Push past the self-doubt, you can do much more than you believe.

Locking my feelings away is only hurting me, being a people pleaser is only hurting me.

So, 2022 is about doing and saying the things we want,

even when they feel hard,

because one day this will all be a distant memory.


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