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The School of Life

Normally appears on a certain generation's facebook education section, but how can we continue to learn as we age?

Some people think of learning in terms of official education or training.

But you have the chance to learn every day.

For our dreams to come true — we need to know when it's time to be brave *and* when it's time to listen to our internal alarm system.

I saw a brilliant Ted Talk by Cara E. Yar Khan, that may just change your perspective on learning and ambition.

"The beautiful balance between courage and fear"

After being diagnosed with a rare genetic condition that deteriorates muscle, Cara E. Yar Khan was told she'd have to limit her career ambitions and dial down her dreams. She ignored that advice and instead continued to pursue her biggest ambitions.

I think it's so important to understand that life is a journey, you don't get to 30 and stop learning.

You're never too old to learn compassion and understanding for another person, to change your opinion, to learn how to become more resilient, and to learn how to forgive someone who wronged you.

We have choices every day, and it's what you choose to do at each of those intersections that make up who you are.

But, you always have the choice to take the path less traveled.

There is a journey between Comfort Zone and Growth Zone, and it's not always an easy one.

There may be knockbacks, delays, hardships, doubts, and fears.

Our job is to find out when to ignore the naysayers and internal "mind baddies" or the devil on your shoulder (also known as anxiety and self-doubt) or to take our blinkers off when faced with red flags waving in the breeze. To take the steps between comfort and growth.

"Life is really just a lesson in finding a balance between fear and courage."

-Cara E. Yar Khan


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