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Starting fresh: New beginnings

So I am 5 days away from beginning my Masters, and what better time to Launch a website?

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Fresh Start, new academic year and a return to university after an 11 year hiatus.

Not sure how I feel about returning to campus life as a "Mature Student", apart from excited and optimistic!

Maybe that's a little bit Naïve on my behalf, as the hard work hasn't begun yet- but I am under no illusions that this will be a walk in the park.

Where I Began

“I really want to help people, in a hands on way- I cant be on the sidelines any more.”

They say to be a good counsellor, you need life experience, and although I am only 32 (lets pretend that's still young..) I think I have had my fair share of experiences. I currently work in social care for a charity that supports Adults with Physical and Learning Disabilities. I have worked here for 5 years next month and I began working here after my had fallen ill and became disabled due to something called Guillain-Barré syndrome. This saw him go from a normal 60 something year old to totally paralysed, having to learn to walk and talk again over the course of several years.

I saw a huge team of people working together to help him get better, and I wanted to be a part of a team that helped people have a better life in some way or another.

The Catalyst

As time went on I began to tire, I felt adrift- not really sure where I was going and looking for something that I really wanted to do as a career. Then something terrible happened.

It shouldn't take something bad happening in life to make us realise how short life is, but sometimes we are so absorbed by the day to day we cant see the bigger picture.

After the Loss of a friend, I realized I didn't want to stand on the sidelines- I needed to do something hands on to help people. So that's why I decided to train as a Therapist.

There are so many people who I am close to who have, or do struggle with their mental health, and that's something I care deeply about- I want people to know there are people they can trust and talk to, no matter what.

so welcome along on this journey of mine, its going to be another two years before I qualify, but I hope you'll read along and learn with me.


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