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April Update

I haven't abandoned the ship!

I am still here, I've just felt a little too busy to post recently.

So now I feel guilty for neglecting my little site I thought I would post a short update.

Up until yesterday, I was working on the penultimate essay of the year which was for the Personal Development Module.

and what a joy that was...

It's all very good discovering your Conditions of Worth, where your Locus of Evaluation lies, and everything you have introjected over the years. But now that I know what they are, and I'm not happy about them, what do I do with them?

Being self-aware isn't always a walk in the park, but it's all part of the healing process! so once more into the breach we go.

I will be making a start on my final essay within the next week, which is actually a critique of my recorded skills session.

Actively counting down the days to May when I submit the final essay of the year, and praying I pass the PD essay so don't have any essays to resit over the summer.

Home Work

You may have heard this week about the exclusion to the ban on conversion therapy for trans people.

By visiting the Stonewall website you can find out the email address of your local MP, so you can ask them to commit to passing a full and comprehensive ban on conversion practices that leaves no one behind.

According to the UK Government’s own research, 7% of LGBT people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy. People are targeted in medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious and cultural settings. These are places everyone should feel safe.

We had a workshop on GSRD clients a couple of weeks ago, has a wealth of resources and links to specialist therapist to contact if you or someone you know if struggling with anything around Gender, Sexuality, or relationship diversity.


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